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Welcome to enCapsa, where innovation meets data integration. Our patented data storage solution offers a unique and powerful web-based process called encapsulation, enabling the seamless integration of information from all corners of your digital world. enCapsa is the best way to get data from vastly
different sources into one space.
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enCapsa revolutionizes data storage, retrieval and analysis by providing a unified repository for all data through a simple Web based API


Securely store diverse data, scalable and accessible anytime, anywhere.


Effortlessly find insights, boost productivity with advanced search technology.


Empower data-driven decisions with advanced analysis and visualization.

enCapsa unlocks the potential of your data.

  • Scalable Data Storage

    Efficiently store vast volumes of diverse data, including structured databases and unstructured content, while benefiting from robust data security and scalability.

  • Real Time Search

    Our advanced search capabilities, powered by intelligent indexing and algorithms, enable effortless discovery of critical information in real-time, streamlining decision-making and boosting productivity.

  • Data Driven Insights

    Unleash the power of data analysis using our sophisticated API, gaining valuable insights, identifying trends, and making data-driven decisions for a competitive edge in business or for scientific or personal endeavors.

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enCapsa Empowers Data

enCapsa empowers data by seamlessly
integrating diverse sources, facilitating real-time analytics,
and enabling efficient data management, all through their innovative web services and patented processes.
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The Power of enCapsa Objects

enCapsa's powerful web services and the process called encapsulation create enCapsa Objects, and are the forces behind data empowerment, seamlessly integrating diverse datasets, offering robust data management capabilities, and delivering cutting-edge business intelligence solutions.
Data Empowerment

Unlock the potential of data with enCapsa's Web Service based API

Data Integration

Integrate diverse data for unified insights and improved efficiency

Data Management

Unlock the power of advanced data management using a encapsulation.

Business Intelligence

Elevate your business with cutting-edge Business Intelligence Solutions.

What are
enCapsa Objects?

enCapsa Objects empower businesses and individuals to integrate, manage, and analyze data with exceptional efficiency. This transformative approach, known as enCapsulation, redefines data management by converting conventional structures into dynamic tuple-based objects also called DSCs. These objects are stored within a unified framework, elevating data management, accessibility, and integration to new levels of efficiency and flexibility.

How do they work?

enCapsa Objects work as a comprehensive data management and integration solution that empowers businesses to seamlessly handle diverse data sources, perform real-time analytics, and achieve various data-related objectives.

  • Data Integration and Ingestion

    enCapsa Web services expose functions to ingest or upload data from various sources, which can include databases, applications, IoT devices, sensors, spreadsheets, and more. This data can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured.

  • Data Transformation Without Data Mapping

    Once data is ingested, enCapsa transforms data using a patented process that removes the need for traditional data mapping. enCapsa ensures that data from different sources is transformed into a unified and consistent format. This step is crucial for harmonizing data from disparate sources.

  • Centralized Data Storage

    The transformed data now called enCapsa Objects is stored in a centralized repository. This repository acts as a hub where data from various streams comes together, providing a single data source for comprehensive data management.

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enCapsa Objects provide an advanced ETL solution

As an advanced ETL solution, enCapsa offers multiple benefits for organizations that need to manage and analyze large volumes of data. Some of the key benefits include:
  • Data Integration

    Advanced ETL solutions like enCapsa using enCapsa Objects can seamlessly integrate data from a wide range of sources, including databases, cloud services, APIs, and more. This ensures that organizations have a holistic view of their data, which is crucial for making informed decisions.

  • Data Transformation

    enCapsa enables the transformation of data into a format that is suitable for analysis. This involves cleaning, filtering, aggregating, and enriching data to ensure its quality and relevance.

  • Real-time Data Processing

    enCapsa offers real-time or near-real-time data processing capabilities. This means that organizations can access and analyze the most up-to-date data, allowing for faster decision-making and more accurate insights.

  • Scalability

    As data volumes grow, enCapsa can scale to handle large amounts of data efficiently. This scalability ensures that organizations can continue to process and analyze data as their needs evolve.

  • Automation

    enCapsa solutions include automation features that reduce the need for manual intervention. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors in the ETL process.

  • Data Quality and Governance

    enCapsa can enforce data quality standards and governance policies. This helps organizations maintain data accuracy, consistency, and compliance with regulations.

  • Cost Efficiency

    By streamlining data processes and reducing manual effort, enCapsa can lead to cost savings. They can also help organizations make more efficient use of their data infrastructure.

  • Enhanced Analytics

    Clean, transformed, and integrated data is essential for accurate and meaningful analytics. enCapsa ensures that the data used for analysis is of high quality and relevance, leading to better insights.

  • Support for Complex Data

    Many organizations deal with complex data structures, such as unstructured or semi-structured data. Advanced ETL solutions can handle a variety of data types and structures, making it possible to extract value from diverse data sources

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  • Business Agility

    With the ability to quickly adapt to changing data needs and sources, enCapsa empowers organizations to be more agile and responsive to market trends and opportunities.